
Intercultural Friendship Week

Intercultural Friendship Week takes place each year during the week surrounding March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Rich and diversified culture

Because Aboriginals have an urban history heavy with misunderstanding and scorn, Intercultural Friendship Week activities invite the population to learn more – or differently, about the rich and diversified culture of the Aboriginal people living and transiting through Chibougamau – there where peoples meet, and to replace misunderstanding with knowledge and know-how.


Activities vary from year to year but include in each edition Open Houses, a large-scale potluck supper, radio awareness and programming campaigns, and training.

In 2016, the CEFC invited local community organisations to take part in the steering committee in order to broaden the impact of the awareness campaigns.  Amongst these precious partners we find: the Town of Chibougamau, Réseau Hommes Québec, the Centre de femmes les Elles du Nord, the Centre de santé de Chibougamau, the Maison des jeunes Sac-Ados as well as the Chibougamau proximity worker initiative.